Thank you for visitng my art gallery. Ever since I can remember, art and being creative have been a driving force in my life that makes living worthwhile. For awhile, I had abandoned my fine art, even after receiving numberous honors for my pieces in juried art shows. I laid up my paints, and brushes. I put away my oil crayons, and water
colors in the back of my closet to gather dust. I did this to pursue
what I thought was the ceativity of commercial art, which eventually
led me down the path of using the computer for my design skills. This
was over a span of about 15 years. Lucky for me, because of a number of circumstances, I found myself surrounded again by many very creative people, These were serious artists, who did art for the sake of enjoying the outlet of creating. The art wasn't made to please a client, and not to advertise a product, but created only for the sake of the enjoyment of seeing others realize or take with them some emotional bond, or inspiration. That was in February of 2002, and since then I have averaged about 3 pieces of art a month, and demonstrated for art clubs in the metroplex. I create my paintings, drawings, and art jewelry using mixed media, traditional media and new media; acrylics with oil pastels, chalk pastels with ball point pen, colored pencils, watercolors, and polymer clay. My subject matter is varied, but usually are images that I know, have lived with, or are close to me. Many everyday objects can become my main focus for a composition. Whether vegetables from my garden, ducks and geese that I raise, memories of scenes while traveling, or an intuitive painting that expresses a personal statement, I want to share this art with you. So I hope when you tour my web gallery, you leave with the experience of enjoyment and inspiration. I am constantly growing as an artist, Laurieann Lepper Dygowski |
Please visit
these supporters of the arts:
www.cpugraphics.com / www.gorowlett.com / www.gorockwall.com / www.artistsroundtx.org